Good news! The TESDA Regional Training Center-Pili is now accepting scholars under the Training for Work Scholarship Program (TWSP) with free training, assessment and Php160 daily allowance.
Courses offered:
- Driving NC II - 25 Slots
- SMAW NC I - 25 Slots
- Masonry NC II - 50 Slots
- Automotive Servicing NC I - 50 Slots
Training for Work Scholarship Program (TWSP) Qualified applicants are:
- 18yrs old and above
- HS graduate / College graduate
- NEET: Not Enrolled, Not in Training, Not Employed
Enrollment Requirements:
- Birth Certificate (NSO/PSA Copy)
- Barangay Certificate
- HS Diploma / TOR (TWSP)
- Marriage Certificate (Married Woman)
- Pictures: white background with name tag (Surname, First, MI)
- 1x1: 6pcs
- passport size: 4pcs
For more details you can contact or visit the TESDA Regional Training
Center-Pili located at Airport Road, San Jose, Pili, Camarines Sur.
Numbers: 09498287934/09483430317