Magandang balita mga ka-TESDA!
Gusto mo bang matuto ng ibat-ibang klase ng lengwahe na maaari mong gamitin sa abroad o sa iyong trabaho? Alam mo bang may mga libreng language courses ngayon ang TESDA National Language Skills Center?
Narito ang mga LIBRENG online language courses sa ilalim ng Training for Work Scholarship Program (TWSP) ng National Language Skills Center:
- English Proficiency for Customer Service Workers - 100 hours / 25 days
- Spanish Language for Different Vocations - 100 hours / 25 days
- Japanese Language and Culture (Level 1 & 2) - 150 hours / 38 days
- Free Training
- Daily Living Allowance
- Internet Allowance
- PPE Allowance
Schedule of Training
Morning (AM) - 7:30 to 11:30
Afternoon (PM) - 12:30 to 4:30
Para sa mga gustong mag-aral ng mga online language courses na ito, mag-fill
up lamang ng form:
TESDA National Language Skills Center
Bldg. 10 Gate 2, TESDA Complex East Service Road, SLEX, Fort Bonifacio, Taguig City
Bldg. 10 Gate 2, TESDA Complex East Service Road, SLEX, Fort Bonifacio, Taguig City
Tel No. (02) 8818-8062