Let’s go directly to the point of this short course, it is basically a service concerning the maintenance or improvement of health via diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of disease or other physical and mental impairments of Human beings. It is natural and expected for Filipinos to be so concerned to their family members so unlike other countries which send their elders to an institution that take care the old, they foster them whole-heartedly.
Corresponding to the said matter, TESDA offers Institutional Health Care (Health Care Services) that teaches and trains you in assisting patients of medical institutions. This service extends hands not limited to hospitals alone, so there is no need to be a person working at a hospital to apply or to work as a Health Care Service Agent. Once you learn the skills you need to be qualified, you may be able to work immediately. These skills are as follows:
- Implement and Monitor Infection control policies and procedures
- Responding immediately to difficult and challenging behavior
- Applying basic first aid
- Maintaining high standard of patient services
- Preparing and maintaining beds
- Collecting and maintaining linen stocks at end-users location
- Assisting in patient mobility
- Assisting in transporting patients
- Assisting in bio-psychosocial support care of patients
- Handling waste in a health care environment
Those are the common skills you may need, but you may also learn other stuff as well along the way so if you are interested to know more about Health Care Services, we suggest you go enroll at TESDA now.
This short course does not take much of your time for training, instead, it just takes a minimum of 960 hours to finish. The requirements are the same with other short courses: Birth Certificate authenticated by NSO; High School or College Diploma; Certified true copy of Transcript of Records of Form 137; Certificate of Good Moral Character; and of course, don’t forget your 1x1 and/or 2x2 Pictures.

Though, the requirements are fixed, some short courses require more based on what they demand you to bring so it is best to inquire first before you enroll to avoid unnecessary problem. Ask the training center’s official representative for more detailed information.
Now, you may be wondering, what happens when I graduate? What job awaits me? Will I be able to be hired or this is just an experience for my own benefits? You need not to worry as you may be able to use the skills for your own or you may find employment as any of the following:
- Nursing Attendant
- Nursing Aid
- Hospital Assistant
- Health Aide
In order for you to be fully labeled as any of the Professionalisms above, you may have to undergo a Competency Assessment first before you graduate. There, you will receive a National Competency (NC II) once you passed the assessment.
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