TESDA Scholarship: Bookkeeping & Computer Systems Servicing

Good news! CANDOR Technological Colleges, Inc., a TESDA vocational school is now accepting scholars for Computer Systems Servicing NC II and Bookkeeping NC III under the Training for Work Scholarship Program (TWSP) with the following benefits:

  • Free Training Fee
  • Free Assessment Fee
  • Daily Allowance (160/day)

Reserve a slot here: https://srms.candortci.edu.ph/Login/reservation

For further inquiries, you can visit CANDOR Technological Colleges, Inc. at Kamagong-Tindalo Sts., Brgy. Sainz, Mati City, Davao Oriental.
Contact Number: 09171676407

TESDA Bookkeeping NC III is a technical-vocational course that aims to develop individuals' competencies in performing bookkeeping functions. The course covers various topics related to bookkeeping, including recording financial transactions, preparing financial statements, and maintaining subsidiary books and ledgers. It also includes topics such as computerized accounting systems and relevant industry practices.

TESDA Computer Systems Servicing NC II is designed to provide individuals with competencies in performing entry-level tasks in computer systems servicing. The course covers various areas, including hardware and software installation, maintenance and repair of computer systems, local area networks (LANs), and basic network administration.

tesda scholarship